Launched 'Daycell Tea Tree Line' for skin care in summer Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte Launched 'Daycell Tea Tree Line' for skin care in summer
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-12-18
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Launched 'Daycell Tea Tree Line' for skin care in summer

Daycell cosmetics, a pharmacy specialty cosmetics company, announced that they have launched 'Tea Tree Series' to manage the summer skin that is easy to shine with high temperature and humidity.

This new tea tree series is composed of 'tea tree facial towel' that removes dead skin cells, 'tea tree cleansing micellar water' that can be gently cleansed with micelle particles, and 'Tea Tree AC Calming Toner'.

Tea Tree Facial Towel adds tea tree extract to natural derived wood fibers.
It is a face-only towel woven by advanced loop technology.
Summer shine lubricates grease and keep growing whiteheads and blackheads suspends effectively.
When washing the face, can use it as a warm steam towel by wet it with warm water for 2-3 minutes put on the area where dead skin cells has occurred.
At this time, the warm heat swells thedead skin cells and can remove the dead skin cells softly without irritation.

Tea Tree Bubble Cleansing Micellar Water is a product that cleansing with bubbles like soft whipped cream.
It is a water formulation, but when pumped using a special container, the foam comes out immediately.
The lipophilic tail of the micellar particles attracts oil and wastes, head of the hydrophilic remains on the skin to provide moisture, so it is effectively cleansing and the finish is moist and soft without pulling.

There is no need for a separate water face wash, so can clean anywhere anytime.

Pumping where cleansing is needed and wipe them with a wet tissue or tissue to remove dirt cleanly.

여름철 피부 케어 위한 ‘데이셀 티트리 라인’ 출시

안소연 기자 | 기사승인 2019. 08. 07. 08:49
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티트리 ac 카밍 토너 (1)
티트리 ac 카밍 토너
약국 전문 화장품 데이셀코스메틱이 높은 기온과 습기로 번들거리기 쉬운 여름철 피부를 산뜻하게 관리할 수 있는 ‘티트리 시리즈’ 출시했다고 7일 밝혔다.

이번에 새로 구성된 티트리 시리즈는 묵은 각질을 제거해주는 ‘티트리 페이셜 타월’, 미셀라 입자로 부드럽게 클렌징 할 수 있는 ‘티트리 버블 클렌징 미셀라 워터’, ‘티트리 에이씨 카밍 토너’로 구성됐다.

티트리 페이셜 타월은 자연유래 우드섬유에 티트리추출물을 추가했다. 첨단 루프기술공법으로 직조된 얼굴 전용 타월이다. 여름철 번들거리는 기름기와 계속 자라나는 화이트헤드와 블랙헤드를 효과적으로 잠재운다. 세안 시 따뜻한 물에 적셔 각질이 많이 일어난 부위에 2~3분 정도 올려주어 따뜻한 스팀타월로 사용할 수 있다. 이때 따뜻한 열이 피부 각질을 부풀려 각질을 자극 없이 부드럽게 제거할 수 있다.  

비밀번호 삭제하려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.


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