Daycell Cosmetics - Samsumg Fire & Marine Insurance Co.,Ltd, signed shared growth MOU…"Other departments are also OK when the Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte Daycell Cosmetics - Samsumg Fire & Marine Insurance Co.,Ltd, signed shared growth MOU…"Other departments are also OK when the
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-12-18
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Daycell Cosmetics - Samsumg Fire & Marine Insurance Co.,Ltd, signed shared growth MOU…"Other departments are also OK when there is result"

Daycell Cosmetics, a pharmacy cosmetics specialized company, announced on the 7th , they signed a business agreement (MOU) with Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Kangbuk Business Division for mutual growth.

Daycell Cosmetics plans to introduce their functional cosmetics through the intranet of Samsung Fire & Marine under the MOU.
Samsung Fire & Marine decided to use Daycell Cosmetics products for its own promotions and events.

The two companies have decided to jointly build a system and process for the alliance business and make cosmetic services with high satisfaction to customers.
They will also share information and channels necessary for work and actively promote to exchanges between insurance services and the cosmetics market.

A representative of Daycell Cosmetics said, 'Through MOU with Samsung Fire, it will be a turning point to show more functional cosmetics to more customers.

If the MOU results meet expectations, the company will also proceed with other divisions besides the Gabuk division.

A representative of Daycell Cosmetic said, 'We have just signed an MOU with the Samsung Fire & Marine Gang buk Division, but we are considering a way to work with other divisions if the results are good.'

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