MBA MoBa A 'Derma scalp intensive ampoule 'is popular Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte MBA MoBa A 'Derma scalp intensive ampoule 'is popular
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-12-18
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  • Viewed 318
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Signed $30Bilion export MOU with Chinese buyers
(Green post Korea Reporter Hong, Min Young)The hair loss-reducing functional product 'MBA MoBalA' Derma scalp intensive ampoule launched by Daycell Cosmetic is gaining popularity at home and abroad.

The Derma Scalp Intensive Ampoule is a product that adds Daycell's unique technology and know-how to hair loss-relieving functionality, it was developed after a long period of research.

It contains golden ratio of Houttuynia cordata, perilla frutescens and Green Tea extract which are effective for scalp care.
The synergistic effect of each ingredient nourishes to the scalp, protects the scalp from harmful elements, and soothes irritated scalp.
It also helps to alleviate hair loss, suppress dandruff production, and promote hair growth.

According to Daycell Cosmetics, this effect has attracted many customers both at home and abroad, especially most popular in China.
Recently, the company has signed an export MOU of about 30 billion won with buyers with the largest 'WangHong' in China.

In addition to The MBA Derma Scalp Intensive Ampoule, it also lanched hair tonic, treatment, shampoo and hair cushion products.

Daycell cosmetics dfficial said that we are putting more emphasis on developing hair loss products for those who are worried about hair loss.' 'Derma Scalp Intensive Ampoule is being sold in the online mall of Dassel Cosmetics'. '

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