[Yakup Newspaper] Daily different skin care , 'Dr. Vita Custom Vitamin Mask Pack' Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yakup Newspaper] Daily different skin care , 'Dr. Vita Custom Vitamin Mask Pack'
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-05-09
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Daily different skin care , 'Dr. VITA Custom Vitamin Mask Pack'
Daycell Cosmetics, composition of 3 kinds Vitamin A,B,C for each skin problem

Many consumers, such as skin dryness, trouble, freckle, sebum, wrinkles will have various kinds of skin troubles more than two kinds of skin anxiety not just of a skin anxiety. Because of these skin troubles, it can be overwhelming to take different basic care every day or it pressured to use too much product in one day.

The Vitamin Cosmetics brand 'Dr. VITA' from Daycell Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is based on the concept of vitamins and can be cared for according to the skin condition. Vitamin A improves wrinkles, Vitamin B calms sensitive and dry skin and supply moisture. Vitamin C is excellent in whitening effect to brightens dull skin by freckles and sebum.

Vitamins help to apply directly to the skin rather than ingesting it, and vitamin in some overseas SCI papers, it has been reported that vitamins affect to the skin whitening and elasticity enhancement.

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