[Yaksa] Moisture charge on the dry skin with Dr. Vita Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yaksa] Moisture charge on the dry skin with Dr. Vita
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2018-03-19
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Moisture charge on the dry skin with Dr. Vita
Mist.Vitamin lip treat recommended
Daycell Cosmetics (President . Park Gui-Hong) recommended Dr Vita Mist and Vitamin Lip Treat, which can be a solution for dry skin.

Dr. Vita mist is contained a yeast extract that keeps moist skin texture to prevent moisture in the body and Vitamin B3, B5 and E supply moisture to the skin to help skin whitening and moisturizing.

Dr. Vita Vitamin Lip Treat is not a mineral oil but it contains Rosehip, Catrobean, Bergamot, etc 10 kinds of vegetable oils which a simple stick-type vitamin lip balm to use safely for man and women all of ages.

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