[Asia Today] Clear and clean skin care with Daycell, Dr. Vita 'Premium Vitamin C' line Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Asia Today] Clear and clean skin care with Daycell, Dr. Vita 'Premium Vitamin C' line
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2018-03-19
  • recommendation 추천 하기
  • Viewed 846
  • Grades 0점
Dr. Vita, a top cosmetics brand in domestic pharmacy has proposed skin care through 'Dr. Vita Premium Vitamin C Cream' and 'Vitamin C Ample' for women who prefer clear and clean skin on 1st of Feb.

Dr. Vita Premium Vitamin C Cream' is a whitening cream with 10% of pure vitamin that is not only whitening effect but also effectiveness premium line through nine clinical trials including whitening effect, wrinkle improvement, spots and freckle relaxation, etc.

In addition, 'Dr. Vita Premium Vitamin C Ampoule' is a whitening ampoule containing 12% pure vitamin with 8 kinds of all ingredients not even in a single drop of water to see brightening effect as as like lighted on the skin...

Dr. Vita Premium Vitamin C line uses pure vitamin, not a vitamin derivative, so it can feel warm feeling after applying to skin that is a characteristic of pure vitamin, and particle is excellent in absorbing that particle is small and has stable.

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