[Dailygrid] Dr. Vita Lip Treat, 'The Best Time to resign the Company' and show a product as a social beginer Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Dailygrid] Dr. Vita Lip Treat, 'The Best Time to resign the Company' and show a product as a social beginer
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2018-03-19
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  • Viewed 571
  • Grades 0점

Dr. Vita's Lip Treat was released to audience as a new commer to the society lips product at the 'best moments of the resign the company' Oksoosoo web drama.

According to the description, Dr. Vita Lip Treat is a foam a moisture barrier on the rough and sensitve lips to give a moist for a long time treatment lip balm that forms a water film on rough and sensitive lips for a long time treatment lipbarm.

It is not a mineral oil but it contains 59% natural oils such as aloe, amaran, and burdock.and 5% vitamins to use for safty even repeated several times a day. It also protects the lips from ultraviolet rays with SPF 15 UV protection function.

Dr. Vita Lip Treat can buy at drugstores across the country and can be purchased at the Daycell Cosmetic Online Mall.

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