[Yakup Newspaper] Cosmetics exclusive for baby ' Princess pink' entered in Starfield Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yakup Newspaper] Cosmetics exclusive for baby ' Princess pink' entered in Starfield
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2018-02-26
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Cosmetics exclusive for baby ' Princess pink' entered in Starfield

Composition with Daycell cosmetics, lip crayon. Water anil. Only for Kids masck pack, etc

A No.1 pharmarcy cosmetics Daycelml cosmetics (President Park Gui Hong) brand 'Princess Pink' a cosmetics brand for children is opend shop in Starfield.

The Princess Pink is made up with natural organic ingedient can be remve without lip crayon and remover, water nail and exclusive for kids mask pack.

Lip Crayon is passed the skin irritation test that is naturally color without pigmented moisturizing lip care product.

Watery Manicure is a product developed for thin and delicate kids nails with enhanced breathability and water permeability and it can be removable product without irritating remover.

In addition, children's skin is thinner than adults, so it is easy to react when exposed to harmful environment, and if using a product containing excessive nutrients, it can cause trouble, therefore, it released mask pack for kids exclusive mask pack nade with suitable ingredient on the skin.

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