[Fashionbiz] A president of Daycell Cosmetics, Gui Hong Park Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Fashionbiz] A president of Daycell Cosmetics, Gui Hong Park
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2018-02-21
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A president of Daycell Cosmetics, Gui Hong Park, who produce about 50 styles in one season, he has been developing beauty business for over 15 years for (Daycell) cosmetics. Cosmetic fever is great, right? It's time to start now.

Because of consumers' needs evolve. Cosmetics will be upgraded accordingly. " he said.

First place in domestic pharmacy cosmetics market (Deisel) is a cosmetic company that stands for Daily Cell Care and sells products in more than 4000 pharmacies nationwide. Last month,participated in K-Culture Festival, which combines convention and concert with KCON 2017 Japan organized by CJE & M under the theme of "Everything about Korean Wave", and then actively promotes export consultation on medium-sized products linked to cultural events.

The best-selling products of this brand are 'Dr Vita' and 'Medi-Lab', increasing their lineup in recognition of their competitiveness in both domestic and Japanese markets. In addition, they has been gaining favor with the release Princess Pink's Kids' Mask Pac' exclusive for kids to suitable for delcate kids skin.

Especially, it containing ceramide ingredient to protects the stratum of the surface firmly and minimizes moisture evaporation. The product completed the skin irritation test for irritation-free nourishment, and it gives children a pleasure with a cute cat-shaped sheet.

Meanwhile, Daycell Cosmetics won the Cosmetic category in Asia Beauty Awards in 2015 and the premium brand awards in 2016 and recently, the singer name 'Gummy' was selected as the exclusive model to notify a brand.

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