[Yakup Newspaper] Daycell 'Dr. Vita' Moisturizing item during dry winter Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yakup Newspaper] Daycell 'Dr. Vita' Moisturizing item during dry winter
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-08-26
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Daycell 'Dr. Vita' Moisturizing item during dry winter
Vitamin Lip Treats, Multi balm , Hand drip line available for both man and women all ages.

As the weather gets colder and dry, not only the face, but also the various parts of dead skin cells such as the hand and lips, the skin becomes streched.

Daycell Cosmetics Co., Ltd., one of the largest pharmacy cosmetics companies, sells Vitamin Lip Treat, Vitamin Multi-balm, and Vitamin Hand Cream, which can be used by both men, women and all ages in the 'Dr. VITA' line.

Dr. Vita Vitamin Lip Trint does not contain any mineral oil including any other mineral oils, it contains 59% of natural derived oil, so it is safe to lip care.
Naturally derived oil give moisturizes the rough lips, forms a protective film to keeps the lips moist for a long time.
In addition, it contains 5% of vitamin ingredient to supply rich in nutrition to the lips and care lips healthy.

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