[Yakup Newspaper] Attention to Daycell, scalp,hair intensive care 'MoBalA' Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yakup Newspaper] Attention to Daycell, scalp,hair intensive care 'MoBalA'
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-08-26
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Attention to Daycell, scalp,hair intensive care 'MoBalA'
Contains 9 herbal ingredients contained , alleviates hair loss functional hair tonic ans ampoule

Hair loss is caused by various factors no distiction of ages such as genetic factors, stress, use chemical composition, external harmful factors, and so on.

We are looking for a good for scalp and hair products to prevent hair loss without distinction of gender , there is a growing market for hair loss such as shampoo, rinse, hair tonic which is good for intake alopecia medicine

In this regard, the 'MoBalA' brand of hair loss functional hair tonic and ampoule, which was launched by Daycell Cosmetics Co., Ltd., which holds the top position in pharmacy cosmetics, is attracting attention.

Daycell Cosmetic's MoBalA brand of hair loss alleviating Functional hair tonic and ampoule contained more than 10% of the patented 9 kinds of herbal ingredients to protect hair intensively and make the scalp healthy, and applied in golden ratio of Houttuynia Cordata Extract, Perilla Frutescens Leaf Extract, green tea extract to manage the scalp and pores cleanly, and gives a good feeling.

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