[Asia Today] Launched, The beauty brand for kids 'Princess Pink. Lime and Brown' Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Asia Today] Launched, The beauty brand for kids 'Princess Pink. Lime and Brown'
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-05-09
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Launched, The beauty brand for kids 'Princess Pink. Lime and Brown'

Princess Pink is a brand launched for children who want to follow their mom usual makeup.
Launched manicure, lip crayons, and sun balm with ingredients that are not harmful to use for child.

The color nail was developed not as an acetone remover but as a detachable sticker type. And, it is environmentally friendly because it is a water-based type. Lip crayon combined lip balm is made from organic ingredients.

Lime & Brown brand has increased the content of natural ingredients. The inorganic UV protection Sun cream contained 82% of the natural derived components.

The new product will be sold at discounted prices at the Daycell Cosmetic Princess Pink booth. If you participate in SNS in the booth, you can also get a gift event.

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