[Yakup Newspaper] Daycell launched , MEDI LAB Maximum Volume Eyelash Ampule' Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yakup Newspaper] Daycell launched , MEDI LAB Maximum Volume Eyelash Ampule'
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-05-09
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  • Viewed 867
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Daycell launched, MEDI LAB Maximum Volume Eyelash Ampule'
Eyelash care contains with province rose flower water and concentrated peptides

The rich and long eyelashes give the impression clear that the eyes sharpened. However, the eyelashes are easily irritated by frequent make-up, eyelash extension, eye surgery, lens use, etc to come off easy and sagging. It is good to use nutritional ampoule for morning and evening to care healthy eyelashes intensively.

Pharmacy cosmetics, Daycell Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has launched 'MEDI LAB Maxium Volume Eyelash Ampule', which is able to cure eyelashes without giving irritation to sensitive eyes.

The 'MEDI LAB Maximum Volume Eyelash Ampoule' has completed the first skin irritation test and does not irritate around the eyes, adding to the stability of the ingredients using only EWG green grade ingredients. Especially, it contains 5% of Provence Rose flower water with excellent efficacy in eyelash glazing, and the concentrated peptide ingredient gives elasticity and voluminous to the eyelashes.

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