Ranked 1st in Functional Cosmetics category in “2019 Korea Quality Satisfaction” – 3 consecutive years Notice - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte Ranked 1st in Functional Cosmetics category in “2019 Korea Quality Satisfaction” – 3 consecutive years
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-10-22 16:45:51
  • recommendation 추천 하기
  • Viewed 1646
  • Grades 0점

'2019 Korea Quality Satisfaction' was established to select high-quality products that will be the core power of Korean economic growth, Hankyung Business and G Valley News hosted the event and jointly hosted the Korea Media Marketing Group and 1st in Korea Quality Satisfaction Management Office.

The review was completed for four months based on the evaluation of judges and consumers composed of academia and industry experts, and the total scores of five items such as loyalty, reliability, recognition, brand image, and customer satisfaction that lead to consumer purchase and awarded for outstanding company.

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