Tourist looking for cosmetics at the phatmacies'Daycell Cosmetics' Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte Tourist looking for cosmetics at the phatmacies'Daycell Cosmetics'
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-12-18
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Tourist looking for cosmetics at the phatmacies'Daycell Cosmetics'
NEO Park Gui-hong, 'Daycell' will be posted on overseas tourist bucket list

I want to create a Daycell cosmetics for overseas tourists who visit Korea put on bucket list.

CEO of Daycell Cosmetics said, 'Overseas tourists from China and other countries who visit Korea are looking for daycell products by visiting pharmacies.' if tourists who visited drug stores in France, Germany, Japan, etc. have uploaded product purchase certification shots, now more and more users are uploading authentication shots to their social media after purchase in domesic pharmercy.

Representatives Park said that tourists bought certification shots from drugstores such as in France, but now in Korean Chinese tourists upload product purchase shots on the SNS with location of drugstores, and recently product sales have spread to Myeong-dong, Edae and Gangnam.

Daycell Machihyun 20 Calming Ampoule', which is used for skin troubles, has already been approved for NMPA.

He said, that 'foreign tourists coming to Korea to buy cosmetics in pharmacy era has began.''the demand for hair products, skin trouble soothing products and depilation products of Daycell Cosmetics is increasing.'

The representative said, 'It want to be a product that can be purchased at the most reasonable price at pharmacies that are always present when foreign tourists come to Korea.' and "the purchase is one of the travel purposes, and the bucket list of travelers is the direction of Daycell Cosmetics wants to go."

Hair Loss Cosmetics 'MoBalA' Pharmacy Hot Item

Daycell Cosmetic is spurring the expansion of the Chinese market, and 'MoBalA' is located at the center of the hair loss cosmetics.

MoBalA is a brand that was first introduced in 2015 by Daycell cosmetics, a well-known pharmacy cosmetics, to study scalp, hair care and products that help to reduce hair loss. 'MBA MoBalA Derma Scalp Hair Shampoo', 'MBA MoBalA Demas Scalp Hair Treatment', 'MBA MoBalA Scalp Care Hair Tonic Solution' in addition to functional products, it consists of 'MBA MoBalA Derma Hair Cushion' and 'MBA MoBalA Ballroom Eyelash Derma Ampoule'.

Daycell representatives said that 'China has a lot of concentrated site that is online and mobile has become the basis of marketing.
If there is a shopping mall that sells a lot, there is a place where the beauty part can appeal to young people by advertising in this shopping mall. '
MoBalA has also carried out marketing with Chinese celebrities and plans to strengthen marketing by recruiting influential people in China.

Keep in mind of Korean celebrities who is growing in popularity in China.

`` Daycell Machhyun 20 Ampoules '' is also popularity rising

Not only 'MoBalA', a hair loss cosmetics brand,but also 'Daycill Machihyun 20 Calming Ampoule', which soothes skin troubles, and 'Daycell hair removal hair cream', a hair removal product are also emerging as Korean pharmacy hot items for foreign tourists such as China

Daycell Cosmetics is actively targeting Southeast Asian markets not only in China but also in Vietnam.

According to the CEO Park, the most popular product in recent years is health food. Innergram Vita Collagen, which is supplied all to Vietnamese partners is also sold out in the 1st and second production.
The preliminary contract was also completed for the third production.

It is encouraging that this product is going to the US and Australia recently through Vietnam partner company.

He said, 'Now Korean cosmetics are good,expended not only in Chin but also Japan, the US, and Europe there is a clear category of mask packs and cushions that these consumers look for.'

He suggested that 'a clear category should be created to sales can grow even more.'

Daycell, customer-specific product segmentation, stability are strengths

What are the strengths of Daycell Cosmetics products?

CEO Park said, 'Daycell Cosmetic products are broken down in many lines to meet the needs of consumers.

"There are a lot of brands and items," he said. But "The brand, concept, color, etc. must be clear about the delivery of the brand or product that is Daycell's strength."said.

CEO Park said, “There are many companies in other fields that enter the cosmetics market, Daycell Cosmetics like the slogan of pharmacy cosmetics, puts priority on safety by fitting the eyes of the expert pharmacist. 'We are making products that can be used for a long time,' and all of porducts are based on safety, whether they contain a lot of ingredients or increase the compounding ratio to increase their functionality. '

Compared to overseas drugstores, domestic pharmacies have been pointed out that there is a lack of various solutions to attract consumers.
In the midst of this, the cosmetics of Daycell Cosmetics have emerged as a hot item for overseas tourists, it can be estimate of the new beginning.

However, the low-cost sale of some pharmacies is a challenge to be solved by the obstacles in the pharmacy cosmetics market.

If the price differents among pharmacies, consumers and foreign tourists looking for the product may be less reliable.

It is pointed out that pharmacies and related companies can attract more and more foreign tourists based on mutual trust and continue to increase sales.

There are also orders that governments need to create structures to purchase a variety of products.

Even in areas where tourists are concentrated, it is necessary to provide tax exemptions at pharmacies first and to expand them sequentially.

CEO Park said, 'We have make a structure that allows a variety of products to be purchased in pharmacies. 'Pharmacies should not only look at sales, but also increase brand trust. Is important ' For mutual growth, we need to build trust with each other. '

해외관광객 약국서 찾는 화장품 ‘데이셀코스메틱’

박귀홍 대표, “해외 관광객 버킷리스트에 ‘데이셀’ 올릴 것”

기사입력 2019-05-29 12:26     최종수정 2019-06-12 14:44프린트하기  메일보내기  스크랩하기  목록보기   폰트크게 폰트작게

데이셀코스메틱 박귀홍 대표▲ 데이셀코스메틱 박귀홍 대표

“한국을 방문하는 해외 관광객들이 버킷리스트에 올리는 데이셀코스메틱을 만들고 싶습니다.”

데이셀코스메틱 박귀홍 대표는 “최근 한국을 찾는 중국 등 해외 관광객들이 약국을 방문해 데이셀코스메틱 제품을 찾고 있다”며 “프랑스, 독일, 일본 등의 드럭스토어를 찾은 관광객들이 제품 구매 인증샷을 올렸다면 이제는 국내 약국에서 제품을 구매한 후 자신의 소셜 미디어에 인증샷을 올리는 경우가 늘어나고 있다”고 말했다.

박 대표는 “관광객들이 프랑스 등의 드럭스토어에서 제품을 샀다고 인증샷을 올리는데 이제 한국도 중국 관광객들이 SNS에 약국 위치까지 해서 제품 구매 인증샷을 올린다”며 “최근 명동, 이대, 강남 쪽으로 제품 판매가 확산되고 있다. 피부 트러블에 사용하는 ‘데이셀 마치현 20 카밍앰플’도 이미 중국 위생 허가를 받았다”고 밝혔다.

그는 “이제 해외 관광객들이 한국 약국에 와서 화장품을 구매하는 시대가 열었다”며 “데이셀코스메틱의 헤어제품, 피부 트러블 진정 제품, 제모제품 등을 수요가 늘어나고 있다”고 설명했다.

박귀홍 대표는 “해외 관광객이 한국에 왔을 때 항상 늘 존재하는 약국에서 가장 합리적인 가격으로 구매할 수 있는 제품이 되고 싶다”며 “그 구매를 하는 것이 여행 목적 중 하나인, 여행자들의 버킷리스트가 되는 것이 데이셀코스메틱이 가고자 하는 방향”이라고 강조했다..

탈모화장품 ‘모발아’ 약국 핫 아이템

데이셀코스메틱은 중국 시장 확대에 박차를 가하고 있으며, 그 중심에는 탈모 화장품인 ‘모발아’가 자리하고 있다.
비밀번호 삭제하려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.


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