Daycell cosmetics,Tight intensive care from inside of the skin '`` Goun Fer Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte Daycell cosmetics,Tight intensive care from inside of the skin '`` Goun Fer
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-12-18
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(Come and go with affection, Rich Thanksgivingday)Daycell cosmetics,Tight intensive care from inside of the skin '`` Goun Fermented Cream ''
Daycell Cosmetics, famous for pharmacy cosmetics recommends 'Goun Fermented Cream' as a Chuseok(Thanks giving day) gift for the coming season.

Goun Fermented Cream' is a fermented cosmetic made by applying fermentation ingredients and fermentation methods to increase the skin absorption of effective ingredients, and used a hand-made ceramic container to keep the state of the cosmetics for a long time without changed.

Goun Fermented Cream' contains five kinds of fermented extracts of rice, pumpkin, yeast fermentation, Bifida and soybeans, five kinds of fermented ingredients are manufactured in golden ratio to help improve rough skin, skin tone and skin immunit, and give revives to regain the skin activation cycle.

The unique feature of Goun Fermented Cream is that it uses hand-made porcelain containers, and it adds value because it is a material that many companies have abandoned because it is not available for time and expense to apply mass production of cosmetics.

Porcelain containers are excellent in heat and durability to keep the quality of products unchanged.

[오가는 정, 풍성한 추석]데이셀코스메틱, 피부 속부터 탄탄하게 집중 케어 ‘고은 발효 크림’

우남희 기자 | 기사승인 2019. 09. 04. 06:00
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약국화장품으로 유명한 데이셀코스메틱은 가을이 다가오는 환절기에 맞이하는 추석 선물로 ‘고은 발효 크림’을 추천한다.

‘고은 발효 크림’은 발효 성분과 발효 공법을 적용해 제작된 발효화장품으로 유효한 성분의 피부 흡수력을 높였으며, 최적화된 화장품의 상태를 오랫동안 변하지 않고 유지 시킬 수 있는 수제 도자기 용기를 사용했다.

고은 발효 크림에는 쌀, 호박, 효모발효, 비피다, 콩 총 5가지 발효추출물이 함유돼 있으며 5가지 발효성분들이 황금비율로 제조돼 거친 피부결, 피부톤, 피부 면역력 개선에 도움을 주며 피부의 활성 주기를 되찾아 활기를 부여해 준다.  

비밀번호 삭제하려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.


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