Daycell Cosmetics - Beauty Celeb Solish, collaboration extended to Color Cosmetics Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte Daycell Cosmetics - Beauty Celeb Solish, collaboration extended to Color Cosmetics
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-10-14
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Daycell Cosmetics - Beauty Celeb Solish, collaboration extended to Color Cosmetics

Direct effect with three kinds of 'Dr.vita Premium Vita 12 Ampoule' 5,000sets sold out

Daycell Cosmetics, a pharmacy cosmetics specialized company, has decided to expand its collaboration relationship with just simple product introductions by co-developing beauty celeb Solish with color cosmetics.
Pharmacy cosmetics Dr. Vita's `` Dr. Vita Premium Vita 12 Ampoule '' 3 kinds 5,000 sets were all sold is drect effect.

Daycell Cosmetics is developing tint and shadow products with Solish, and will start selling tint products in early March said on 18th.
Development of color cosmetics through collaboration is a different area than just simple product introduction' so will start selling from tints even if shadow selling schedule not yet decide, Daycell officials said.

This is because collaboration with Solish is satisfactory in the background that Daycell Cosmetics made the such decision.
It is Daycell's judgment that Solish has been actively involved in introducing Dr. Vita Premium Vita 12 Ampoule as well as other Dr. Vita products became naturally through word of mouth.

Solish has introduced with confidence of the product to consumers because it has been kept moisturized for a long time during the Dr. Vita Premium Vita 12 ampoule test and the shine in the skin has been generated.' she said and they plans to select and introduce products that consumers can buy with confidence in the future.

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