[Yaksa] Lacks the moisture filling when the seasonal changes with a Dr. Vita Premium E Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yaksa] Lacks the moisture filling when the seasonal changes with a Dr. Vita Premium E
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2018-11-02
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Lacks the moisture filling when the seasonal changes with a Dr. Vita Premium E

Pharmacy cosmetics Daycell Cosmetics has reveal secret method to calm down sensitive skin at the change of seasons.

Daycell Cosmetics introduced skin care methods through the Home Care Special Program line, which was launched at Dr. Vita.

Dr. Vita Premium Special Program is composed 3 kinds of vitamin A.C.E. line.

A is high moisturizing, C is whitening, and E is high moisture line. E-line is recommended for dry sensitive skin care at the change seasons.

Dr. Vita official said, "The Super Aqua & Dry Sensitive Special Program is consist of two stages of ampoule and mask pack, and the ampoule contains 12% of the Vita 7-complex, which helps to prevent skin moisture loss and vitalization, also mask pack made of mild stimulated cellulose tencel sheet with 100% natural fiber sheet, and it is effective in supplying adhesive force and essence nutrition. "


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