[Yakup Newspaper] Daycell, the eco-friendly kids premium brand 'Princess Pink' Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yakup Newspaper] Daycell, the eco-friendly kids premium brand 'Princess Pink'
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2018-03-19
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Daycell, the eco-friendly kids premium brand 'Princess Pink'
Used EWG Green grade raw material 100% cotton mask pack etc.

"Princess Pink," a exclusive brand for kids, introduced by Daycell Cosmetics, is steadily popular.

Princess Pink is an EWG green grade material that can be used with confidence, and release the cute shape nail sticker products which can be use with 100% cotton cat face mask pack, a moist lip crayon with organic ingredients, and a color nail that can be removed like a sticker .

It was produced considering the children who react sensitively to the small stimulus and it is a children's personalized cosmetics considering children's joy and fun.

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