[Yakup Newspaper] Dr.SMIS Hyalu Aqua Water, quench the thirst, heat and moisture Media Report - Daycell Cosmetic


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Tilte [Yakup Newspaper] Dr.SMIS Hyalu Aqua Water, quench the thirst, heat and moisture
Posted by Daycell Cosmetic (ip:)
  • Date 2019-02-12
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Dr.SMIS Hyalu Aqua Water, thirst, heat and moisture Daycell, skin soothing, moisturizing, skin barrier enhancement, etc.functional cosmetics

Daycell cosmetics the first in the domestic pharmacy cosmetics market introduced in recently 'Hyalu Aqua Water' among the Dr. SMITH Line slake the skin moisture thirst to present the solution for relieve skin cool off.

It is a dual functional cosmetic product that has been tested for skin irritation and whitening and wrinkle improvement Hyalu Aqua Water is effective for skin soothing, moisture supply, skin dry care and skin barrier enhancement. It is main product composed of hyaluronic acid and EGF mainly to help skin moisturizing, skin restore and elasticity improvement.

In addition, it conatina the plant extracts, which are made with seven kinds of natural derived ingredients help to calm sensitive and delicate skin softly.

This product is able to supply moisture to skin smoothly when used together with 'Dr. SMITH Hyalu Pill Mask Sheet' which is a 100% pure cotton compressed pill type mask sheet.

It swell when the pill-type cotton pack comes in contact with moisture, it turns into a mask sheet with a essence, the official explained that a self-mask pack using two products together can regenerate into moist and clear skin.

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